Small Business Owner

2/3rds of jobs are created by small businesses!

Small Business Owners Matter!

When you shop local, 65 cents of every dollar stays in the community compared to 35 cents.

We'd love the privilege of attending your next association meeting!

Have Daniel Speak at your business

Committed to better engagement!

With 100 Legislators and almost 500 plus bills each session we know that staying informed of what happens at the State Capitol can seem unapproachable.

To make the process easy we've pulled the relevant bills, their status, and helpful links specific to your group!

Resources for your Group

State Resources for Business Owners

Colorado MyBiz

Secretary of State Checklist for New Business Owners

Colorado Dept of Labor and Employment - Businesses

Colorado Bills that passed this legislative session (2024)

HB24-1134 - Adjustments to Tax Expenditures to Reduce Burden

HB24-1157 - Employee-Owned Business Office & Income Tax Credit

SB24-134 - Operation of Home-Based Businesses

Be the Movement


The power of our entire movement is listening to each other. Be a part of the conversation and share your community idea!

Engagement PLatform


Be a part of a movement of passionate neighbors. From door knocking to helping at community events, we're being the difference.

Join The Team

Host an Event

Be a leader by hosting your neighbors and friends to meet Daniel at your home, HOA mtg, or small business.

Host a Meet and Greet