About Daniel Campaña


We're not a typical campaign so this might not be your typical bio. And we're proud of that. I've had the privilege of being a small business owner, a community advocate, and board member for several non profits tackling the issues that matter most to our area: Housing, Education, Mental Health, and Public Health.

But what I want most to share with you:

It's a deep belief that what qualifies our elected officials the most is the way they listen to communities and work together with community leaders to bring change.

I think political resumes and pedigrees can never replace a deep love and commitment to build coalition with our neighbors. And what our politics needs now is a lot less "me" and a ton more "we".

Humbled to be just one part of an incredible community,
Daniel Campaña


What Community Leaders are saying about Daniel...

Following our incredible kick off event we heard from community leaders including State Representative Dr. Regina English, HD17 about why they're supporting Daniel and choosing "people over politics".

State Senator Tony Exum, SD11

"I'm supporting Daniel because of who he is; and because we are committed to serving others and not ourselves."

Council member Nancy Henjum, District 5, COS

Now more than ever we need leaders who can lead from a place of kindness, collaboration, and conviction. Daniel Campaña is that leader. Daniel puts people above politics and will serve the residents of HD District 22 by listening first.

Why run as an unaffiliated?

Our community wants leadership that chooses people over party. The proof? 51% of voters in House District 22 are now unaffiliated.

Political extremes continue to frustrate us and paralyze our system. I'm running as unaffiliated because like you I'm more concerned with being productive than being partisan.

Together we'll send a strong and clear message that House District 22 cares more about serving our neighbors than party politics.

Be the Movement


The power of our entire movement is listening to each other. Be a part of the conversation and share your community idea!

Engagement PLatform


Be a part of a movement of passionate neighbors. From door knocking to helping at community events, we're being the difference.

Join The Team

Host an Event

Be a leader by hosting your neighbors and friends to meet Daniel at your home, HOA mtg, or small business.

Host a Meet and Greet