Supporting neighborhoods means listening to Homeowner and Condo owner Associations.

Why HOAs, COAs, and Neighbor groups matter...

Serving and advocating for the needs of 89,000 residents in our HD22 district means listening and supporting organizations and leaders who are already serving their communities.

Your neighborhood organization and board are an important piece of a listening infrastructure already in place in service of neighbors.
We know that any policy, change, or decisions need to include stakeholders already connected to their communities.

We'd love the privilege of attending your next association meeting and talking together of the best way to serve neighborhoods!

Have Daniel at your meeting

Committed to better engagement!

With 100 Legislators and almost 500 plus bills each session we know that staying informed of what happens at the State Capitol can seem unapproachable.

To make the process easy we've pulled the relevant bills, their status, and helpful links specific to your group!

Resources for your Group

Colorado HOA Information and Resource Center

Colorado Springs HOA Map

CONO. The Council of Neighborhood Organizations

Foundation for Community Research Association

Governance Best Practices for HOAs and COAs from FCRA

Community Associations Institute

Recent passed Colorado Bills (2023) affecting HOAs and COAs


Colorado Bills that passed this legislative session (2024)

HB24-1091 - Fire-Hardened Building Materials in Real Property

HB24-1383 - Common Interest Community Declarations

HB24-1337 - Real Property Owner Unit Association Collections

HB24-1233 - Homeowners' Association Delinquency Payments Enforcement Procedures

HB24-1152 - Accessory Dwelling Units

SB24-021 - Exempt Small Communities from HOA Requirements

SB24-134 - Operation of Home-Based Businesses

Be the Movement


The power of our entire movement is listening to each other. Be a part of the conversation and share your community idea!

Engagement PLatform


Be a part of a movement of passionate neighbors. From door knocking to helping at community events, we're being the difference.

Join The Team

Host an Event

Be a leader by hosting your neighbors and friends to meet Daniel at your home, HOA mtg, or small business.

Host a Meet and Greet