Focusing on Home

Healthy communities that work for you and your family.


Housing, Economy, Infrastructure

The American dream of home ownership is something we still must fight for especially as our middle class continues to feel the strain of increasing home costs and inflation.

Ensuring we support smart and responsible growth and look at innovative housing approaches is key to ensure our city continues to be the beautiful home we all love.

Public Safety

Officers, 1st Responders, and Veterans

The conversation on public safety must begin with taking care of those who take care of us. We know our challenges are not bigger than the courage and excellence of our first responders and veterans.

Ensuring that we support our community heroes during and after service is not only smart for communities but the right way to honor those who give so much for us.

Mental Health

While our community continues to make strides to addressing a clear crisis there is still much work to do.

El Paso County is the 8th in the nation for suicide and 6th for teenage suicide.

We can turn the tide and be a city of incredible hope as we extend compassion to our neighbors and families.


Education is the best investment in our future.

From ensuring our next generation is ready for the jobs of tomorrow. To continuing to attract higher paying jobs to the Pikes Peak Region.

Investing in our students is the path to building a continued legacy of excellence in our region.

Be the Movement


The power of our entire movement is listening to each other. Be a part of the conversation and share your community idea!

Engagement PLatform


Be a part of a movement of passionate neighbors. From door knocking to helping at community events, we're being the difference.

Join The Team

Host an Event

Be a leader by hosting your neighbors and friends to meet Daniel at your home, HOA mtg, or small business.

Host a Meet and Greet