To SErve others

My favorite question to answer is "Why are you running?".

Our community deserves to be heard. And its my privilege to run for the opportunity to serve my neighbors by leading from a place of "listening first".

About Daniel

Community Survey

Take our survey and see what other residents of our beautiful Colorado Springs care about and would like to see us prioritize!

Take The Survey


What Community Leaders are saying about Daniel...

Following our incredible kick off event we heard from community leaders including State Representative Dr. Regina English, HD17 about why they're supporting Daniel and choosing "people over politics".

State Senator Tony Exum, SD11

"I'm supporting Daniel because of who he is; and because we are committed to serving others and not ourselves."

Council member Nancy Henjum, District 5, COS

Now more than ever we need leaders who can lead from a place of kindness, collaboration, and conviction. Daniel Campaña is that leader. Daniel puts people above politics and will serve the residents of HD District 22 by listening first.

A Focus on HOME

From tackling our housing crisis, to supporting the vibrant economy of small businesses, to ensuring we take care of our community heroes, we are focused on what matters most... home.

Housing & Economics
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Officers & 1st Responders
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Mental Health
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CO House District 22

Are you a resident of Colorado House District 22? Use the button below to find your district at the Secretary of State website.

What is my District?

Upcoming Events

Be the Movement


The power of our entire movement is listening to each other. Be a part of the conversation and share your community idea!

Engagement PLatform


Be a part of a movement of passionate neighbors. From door knocking to helping at community events, we're being the difference.

Join The Team

Host an Event

Be a leader by hosting your neighbors and friends to meet Daniel at your home, HOA mtg, or small business.

Host a Meet and Greet